Wednesday 19 July 2017

Here's How Tall Your Favorite Bollywood Actors Are In Comparison To Their Hollywood Counterparts!

The larger than life persona of Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities alike, as we see them on the silver screen, can be quite misleading regarding their real life avatars. While it is a general observation in Bollywood that the popular stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan are in reality quite short compared to many of the leading ladies we see them romancing on screen. Well similar is the case with the Hollywood stars. But ever wondered how tall our Bollywood stars are in comparison to the most popular stars in Hollywood.
Well here we have drawn out a clear comparison between the shortest and the tallest actors in both industries and the results in some cases are quite astonishing.

Like Varun Dhawan, Shahid Kapoor and Tom Cruise are all the same height. While the Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliff and Dangal star Aamir Khan are their shortest actors in their respective industries.
Not just that the general height of most popular Hollywood actors is on an average greater than that of their Bollywood counter parts.

It's funny how Hollywood beats Bollywood in the height department as well!.

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